Are you looking for penpals?
Do you find difficult to find the perfect person to write to?
Go to our contact form and submit your penpal ad.
If you don't really know where to start elaborating your own ad follow these steps:
1. Present yourself: name, age, country, location, what's your occupation: student / job / profession...
2. What do you like to do? What are your hobbies?
3. Would you be interested in findin a penpal who has the same or a similar job? Mention about it.
4. Anything special or different you would like to say?
5. How you do see yourself? Do you think you can add a description of your character traits?
6. What are you exactly looking for in penpalling or in a penpal?
Don't forget to include a way of contacting you in your penpal ad (either an e-mail address or your social media).
Notice that Penpalling & Letters is not responsible under any circumstances about the personal information provided, so if you don't want your postal address, personal e-mail or other personal data to get published, do not include them in your ad. Create a specific e-mail to look for penpals.